Privacy Policy

This privacy policy describes how collects, uses, and shares information about visitors to our website. This policy applies only to information collected on this website and does not apply to information collected offline or on any other websites.

What Information We Collect:

We collect information you provide directly to us, such as your name, email address, comments, feedback, and other information you choose to submit. We also automatically collect information about your visit like the IP address, browser type, operating system, date/time, pages viewed, time spent on pages, and referring website. We may use analytics services like Google Analytics to help us understand how visitors use our site. The analytics services collect and analyze anonymous information about site visits.

How We Use Information:

We use the information we collect for purposes like:

  • Responding to comments, questions, support needs, and requests
  • Analyzing site traffic and trends to improve the user experience
  • Testing designs and features to improve the website
  • Communicating about new products, services, promotions, news, and updates
  • Customizing content like recommended or related posts based on your interests

We do not rent, sell, or share any personal information with third parties except as required by law or with your consent. Any third parties who perform services for us are bound by strict confidentiality agreements and are only permitted to use your information to perform services for us.


We take reasonable administrative, physical, and electronic measures designed to safeguard and protect your information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. But no internet transmission is ever fully secure or error-free.

Cookies and Tracking:

We use cookie and tracking technologies to remember your preferences and settings, analyze trends, administer the site, track users’ movements, and gather broad demographic information. Users can control the use of cookies and tracking technologies through their browser settings.

Children’s Privacy:

Our website is not designed for use by anyone under the age of 16. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 16 without the consent of the child’s parent or guardian. If we become aware that a child under 16 has provided us with personal information, we will delete it in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Changes to the Privacy Policy:

We may update this privacy policy from time to time. If we make material changes, we will notify you by updating the date at the top of the policy and posting it on the website. We encourage you to review the policy whenever you access the website to stay informed about our privacy practices.